Latihan 2 Soal Ulangan Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Berilah tanda silang (X) huruf a, b, c, atau d pada jawaban yang benar!

1. He thanked her for what she (do).
a. have do         c. had do
b. have done     d. had done

2. ............... go as soon as they have finished.
a. Let us      c. Let she
b. Let me      d. Let them

3. Could I ask you some questions?
a. Yes, you could.
b. Yes, I’m.
c. Yes, you can.
d. No, you couldn’t

4. ................. have a drink!
a. Come on     c. Let she
b. Let us     d. Let he

5. ........... have a look!
a. Can I         c. Let me
b. May I        d. Come on

Latihan Soal Ulangan Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Berilah tanda silang (X) huruf a, b, c, atau d pada jawaban yang benar!

1. The horse was too ........... for the entrance.
a. thin
b. tall
c. slow
d. short

2. Rudi ...........  to Bali with her friends last week.
a. gone
b. go
c. going
d. went

3. ............... go as soon as they have finished.
a. Let us     c. Let she
b. Let me     d. Let them

4. She .............. from the stair last night.
a. fall
b. falling
c. fell
d. fallen

5. My .............. mother a special dinner for my father last night.
a. make
b. making
c. is making
d. made